Lender Profiles 3Q22: Top 25 (Spreadsheet subscription)
Product Details
IMF's Lender Profiles bring you everything you always wanted to know about the mortgage business of Rocket Mortgage and 24 other top lenders — each on a single data-filled page...delivered quarterly for reports from 3Q22 through 2Q23.
You’ll get the following hard-to-find statistics, including:
Originations by Product: Conventional, Government, Jumbo and Nonprime with Market Share and Distribution
Originations by Channel: Retail, Wholesale, Broker, Correspondent and Direct
Loan Purpose: Purchase Money and Refinance
Servicing Volume and Market Share
Delinquency Rates
Total GSE Sales and Market Share
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Sales and Market Share
GSE Sales by Channel: Retail, Wholesale, Broker and Correspondent
Ginnie Mae MBS Issuance and Market Share
Ginnie Mae Servicing and Market Share
FHA Mortgagee Volume
Plus the national ranking of the lender in each of the categories.
You will immediately be able to download the 3Q22, 4Q22 and 1Q23 profiles. We'll load the 2Q23 profiles to your insidemortgagefinance.com account as soon as they are published and you'll be notified by email of their availability.